December 15, 2004

money does, indeed, buy happiness

Today has been a very boring, mundane day here at work. BUT it all changed when two things happened:

1) Trent and I were IM'ing all day and he mentioned that he redeemed some Charter One (our bank) points and got a $200 credit card/gift card! After discussing the logistics with him, I realized that the phone I really want to buy and the money I really want to spend hanging out with people over the holiday break could be a reality with that little winner of a card! So I redeemed my points and now I will be the lucky recipient of $200 in free cash (in 3-15 days); and

2) Mark called me to tell me that our MEAP checks arrived! $75 dollars for working about 4 or 5 hours for the State proctoring MEAP exams pays off! Especially when you need to pay for new license tabs. Yipes.

So now even though I'm still in this hell-hole that is work, I'm a little bit happier. And it's all due to MONEY. Evil, luscious, scrumptious, rotten MONEY.


TRENT said...

Money is the salve that heals ALL wounds ... despite what anyone says :)

Sarah said...

i love the word "salve." It sorta grosses me out and sorta makes me happy at the same time.