March 15, 2005

ovaries in action

Damn that Oprah! I got home early today because I had a dentist appointment at 3pm and was out of there by 3:45 or so ... just in time for Oprah! Of course, I never watch her show because I'm always at work still at that time. And it always seems that on the random times I do catch it, the show is about some psychotherapist helping married couples or something equally boring.

BAH! Today's show, however, was all about real-life heroes. A woman who threw herself onto a little boy being attacked by 2 pit bulls (getting attacked herself in the process), a man who GAVE HIS LIVER to a tiny baby to save her life and risked his life while his liver regenerated, two men who ran into flames to save the driver of a 30,000 gallon fuel truck that had crashed (this was on I-96 in Detroit!) and .... sniff .... letters sent home to families from soldiers overseas just before they died. THEN she brings the heroes out and reintroduces them to the people they've saved. !!! I don't know why I bothered to dry my eyes at each commercial break ... I just started blubbering again when it came back on.

But, I have just the remedy for these sniffles ... working out while watching reruns of 90210 on the Soap channel! YEAH! Another show I never get to see!

This is my Tuesday, y'all.....

March 14, 2005

i wonder what the Detroit Subgenius population looks like?

Sigh. Sadly, I won't know this go 'round (though I can probably guess...). I was going to go with Mark (yes, he's a nerd) to the Subgenius Devival at the Magic Stick this Saturday. But I forgot about the plethora of events happening that day and, unfortunately, have to forgo the devival in order to make the rest of the night's plans.

In case you want to check it out for yourself, here's the flier:

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