December 25, 2004

'twas the night before the night before xmas

party was a success, if i do say so myself. the only bad thing about hosting one of these is that you don't get to mingle as much as you'd like. there's always a drink to be made or something that has spilled (well, in this case, a storm window that has broken!) or something needing to be done. I have to say, though, that this party i was able to hang back and chat a little more, which was nice. lots of food, lots of good people, and a very fun gift exchange which showcased the true alchy's ... the cosmo mix and margarita mix were the hot items to be stolen! Although, not to be ignored: the awesome mixed cd, book & incense from Ben as well as the adorable purse, lip balm combo from Melanie ... and of course many more cool ass things.

The same old Christmastime crew hung around (indeed, crashed!) until the wee hours of the morning: me, mark, jeff, adriana, trent and ben and sam, who did go home but not until 4am. The next morning we all piled in my bed and then out on the futon to watch any and all kinds of tv.

Sigh... one party down, more to come this vacation. :) actually, i should be getting ready for the main event (christmas with the family) right now! eep.

psst - if you'd like to see pictures from the shindig, check out trent's blog post here.

December 23, 2004


don't you hate it when you have a ton of running around to do and you go to 1001 places and get 4001 things and you get home and unpack everything, put it all away, and realize that you forgot to get one thing? one crucial, must-have-for-THAT-night thing?

yeah, that just happened to me.

and the headache....staarrrrrts...... NOW!

(ps - by no means does the arctic amount of snow we got today mean that the party tonight is off or that you are off the hook. the roads are getting better by the hour. by 7 or 8 tonight, they should be perfect. forge thru the snow!)

December 22, 2004

a poem

I received an email from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) asking for a donation and in return, a holiday e-card will be sent to GWB. The card's poem reads as follows:

Dear Mr. President,

A holiday greeting from some voters who care,
About things like land and water and air.

We don't mean to spoil the good holiday cheer,
But your election has prompted some Christmastime fear.

In your first term, you had a bad hobby,
You'd bow and you'd scrape to the energy lobby.
You'd follow the plans of Vice President Dick,
And the fumes that resulted made our children sick.

The Senate, so wise, called your plan full-of-gas,
But now you're determined to make it all pass.
Like a big Christmas dinner,
you'll keep adding more pork,
Till every last Member has some on their fork.

Your bill is not wise (indeed, couldn't be dumber),
It endangers our nation, to fill up the Hummer.

Yes, you won (by 2 mighty per-cent),
But do not misread the message we sent.
None of us voted for dirtier air,
Or payouts to Oil, so grossly unfair.

So please check your list, and consider one thought,
That might clear the air, and help us a lot:

A holiday gift that you give to the nation…
An energy plan, with REAL conservation.

Sincerely, [Names of LCV supporters]

bite me.

It's so disgusting. I just read that GWB's inauguration bullshit will be a $40 million event! completely insane. repulsive. no matter who is being inaugurated, $40 million is absurd. the fact that it's GWB again, well ... that just makes my gut churn all the more.

However, there are many anti-war, anti-GWB rallies in the works for January 20th. Supposedly a mass of people will have their backs turned to the parade procession. (ooh, big whoop.) But another source made mention to some civil disobedience ... hmm, now that's more like it! har.

Check the whole story out here.

cinderelly, cinderelly

tonight was cleaning night and boy did it suck. i guess it helps if you don't put it off all the time, only to make the time you actually take to clean seem to never end.

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm ... uh, ... I'm a procrastinator. [small applause]

yes, it's true. i'm sure it comes to no surprise to most of you reading this: i put things off until the last minute. this time 'round it was a thorough cleaning of my house. oh, sure, i'll keep it tidy enough. i'll wash my dishes and clean my sinks and toilet. but scrub floors? move every last knick-knack to dust? actually CLEAN OFF the top of my computer desk? nuh-uh - that takes an act of god (or a lot of people coming over in two days) to get me to go to those lengths.

how i ever cleaned other people's houses for side money is beyond me. ew.

December 21, 2004

alone on a Tuesday

appropriate title, since everyone here (work) is gone and i'm, basically, alone here. yay-uh, getting ready to skate on out, too. preach.

but really, i've just had that April March song in my head all day:

"Hang up the chick habit
Hang it up daddy
You're alone on a Tuesday..."

fa la la la laa

back. aches.
mind. is. blank.
fingers. are. sticky.
bits. of. paper. EVERYwhere.

i cannot believe that i've been wrapping gifts since 9pm (it is now 1am) and i'm STILL not done. you mutha-suckas getting these gifts better be damn thankful...

...or just return the favor of exquistite gifts wrapped in a lovely manner. [grin]

either way, the yuletide spirit has kept me busy lately and I haven't been able to post in detail. will have to remedy that soon. after the cleaning of the house, the last-minute shopping, the cooking and the partying, the decking of the halls...