December 15, 2004

"he's suggestive, in a pushy way..."

All I can say is, I don't know where kids come up with some of the things they say. Tonight my night was fun-filled, for sure. First I went out to dinner at Red Robin with Sherri & Kyle. It was great to see them, hang out and really just chat for a while. Kyle is as crazy as usual (in a good way) and says the silliest things. The title of this post is an example. Mind you, he's describing his 1st grade "buddy" at school after I asked him what he's like. He followed that up by saying, "And I don't even know what that means!" We laughed, he kept saying it. I guess it's in some song? I dunno. But I got some good ideas for christmas gifts from him and Sherri was able to give me the yes and no nods secretly, yet not so subtly, from behind the menu.

After eating, doing some Targeting and then chatting back at Sherri's house for hours, I picked up Candice and we headed up to the Dirty where she filled me in on the latest dirt with her. We reminisced about "old times" and told funny Grandparent stories. She's been warned, I WILL be stealing her Grandma's catch phrase and using it as my own. In place of familiar phrases like "it's the cats meow" or "it's the bees knees" I'll be substituting "it's the berries," when the need arises. I can't wait. No free drinks tonight, but heavy discount since the bartender is the brother of Candy's old best friend. Gawd. Drama. Love that girl. :) Now I reek of smoke and have to decide if I'm going to shower now or stick it out till morning. Decisions....

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