December 13, 2004

Miracle on Calhoun St.

So, this weekend didn't involve a lot of activity outside of the house, even though that was the plan. Saturday night we were going to go out and hang with some friends at, where else?, the Double Olive. It was one of our friend's birthday's - but after a day of shopping and Mark's cold getting worse, we decided it best to stay in.

Today we got up early but fell in and out of consciousness in the late morning. We were supposed to go to the Wild Lights at the Detroit Zoo with A & T, but Mark didn't feel up to the adventure. Had to postpone. Ended up ordering a pizza and while Mark slept and watched football, I cleaned the house. The front half, at least. Still have to do the "deep dive" in the back of the house. Then, we did the ultimate task for two lazy couch-potatoes to undertake, especially on a Sunday: we put the Christmas tree up! AND decorated it! And, I must say, it looks marvelous. Just as we finished the last decoration and scared the kitties away from it for the umpteenth time, Miracle on 34th Street came on TBS. Indeed.

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