December 13, 2004

Forget Paris...

I'm mortified. Rumor has it that my darling Adam, lead singer of Maroon 5, has been shacking up with skank Paris Hilton. I heard this morning on the WDRQ morning show (Rachel's Dirt) and also found it on Defamer. I guess I can't blame him ... she's a rich socialite heiress. But c'mon... you can't sing Sunday Morning the next day to a passed out Barbie and her Tinkerbell pooch while shacked up in some hotel room. It's just not the romance that the song portrays.

Whatever - he's still way sexy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know! I retract what I said about "I can't blame him..." - he should have more sense. He should be dating ME! That makes the most sense! (Sorry Marcus).
