January 09, 2005

things don't always go as planned

The Polar Express sold out, so we didn't go to the IMAX Friday night, which actually was a bit of a bummer. After the movie let-down, we went and ate at Chili's and enjoyed a couple yummy margaritas. Deciding we really weren't up for City Club like we thought we were (except for Mark, he's always up for it), we just headed over to Venue, the new Dearborn bar that boasts Blackberry Brandy as their house band. We met up with Candice and Brian. After about 40 minutes and one Captian & Diet (nursed slowly), we realized we really just weren't in a bar mood. Or pretty much anything else, for that matter. So we headed back to Mark's and Trent went home. On the way, we stopped at Blockbuster and rented Garden State, which we didn't watch until this evening. Great movie - ending a little disappointing, yes, but good nonetheless. Earlier today, before kicking back to watch GS, Mark and I ran around town.

  • Target - where I took back some things and ended up getting some adorable camel-colored shoes, a jean jacket, a new shower liner, Dazed & Confused DVD, Clueless DVD and toilet paper;
  • Westland Mall - ate at Olga's;
  • Best Buy - bought the new(ish) Kasey Chambers CD, Wayward Angel;
  • And the best errand was going to Dick's Sporting Goods in which I vetoed the Gazelle and decided firmly on the Proform 800 Elliptical Trainer. So much more for the money. I've put down 20% and it's currently sitting in layaway. I have most of the funds for it, I just need to get the rest next weekend. And they only had 2 left in stock, so... But god, who really uses LAYAWAY anymore? I remember being at Wonderland Mall and being at Marianne's and seeing women put all kinds of clothes on layaway. But that was, like, 1986. Now I'm using layaway? Oh well, it'll be worth it.
  • Click here to see Proform 800

Finally, we met up with Angi & Tony at the AMC 20 theaters, and saw Meet The Fockers. Pretty funny. Not like the first one, of course, but Dustin Hoffman & Babs made it pretty good. Tomorrow is funeral home day for Mr. Riley. Sad.

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