January 11, 2005

worst. day. ever.

well, pretty bad anyways. let's start with yesterday. i took the day off to attend a funeral (see previous post) of a 'like family' person. you know those - the kind that aren't really your family, but you've known them since birth and so they pretty much ARE family? right. so he was 90, but like another grandpa (in fact, he was the grandpa of 2 of my cousins). i was okay during the mass, but buckled when my uncle said some last words and broke down crying. Seeing Pat and his family cry was too much - then I saw my mom crying. Dammit if that doesn't make me bawl every time! I lost it. [dried eyes, reapplied mascara while driving w/mom to the funeral home]. What's this we see? Men in uniform? The army honor guard was at the mausoleum saluting the hearse as we all pulled up! Mr. Riley was a WWII vet - so not only did they salute the hearse and the casket as the pall bearers took him in, they also played Taps in the chapel and then removed, folded and presented the flag in a very "pop & lock" type of manner. It was very moving, and i'm not a fan of the military. [reapply mascara again on way to luncheon]. we did end up having a very nice, tear-less, lunch at Hawthorne Valley, which was pleasant. but while i drove to and fro, i noticed that my battery light was flickering but would stop now and then. i made a mental note to have it checked the next day at lunch. so that was yesterday.

which brings us to today: cleaning off the car this morning, letting it heat up, i noticed the lights dimming and the wipers moving very s.. l.. o.. w.. l.. y.. and then ... BOOM. car dies. i had to have jeff & mike come and jump me (whoo, that sounds pervy) and follow me to the auto shop. stress, stress, stress and ... BOOM! a few hours later i'm $265 poorer with a new alternator and battery. SUCK ASS. looks like that Proform 800 will have to wait.

THEN i started my period and got a nice case of the 'my vagina hates me' cramps. let's see how the rest of the day progresses, shall we?


TRENT said...


Anonymous said...

Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!!

Anonymous said...

Почему регистрация не работает ?

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory