January 13, 2005

Insighful Linguist

Test Your IQ too!

In other news, besides that I'm brilliant (har har!), did y'all hear about the awful 100-car pile up that happened here and in Indiana!? It's so awful. Where it happened, on I-96 near Lansing, is RIGHT by my mom's exit for her house! I was worried, but was reassured when I called her and she was safe and sound at home and watching Lost. :) Also, Bob Marley's wife is going to be digging him up soon and re-burying him in Africa - Ethiopia to be exact. "Africa Unite! Cuz we're moving right out of babylon... and we're going to our father's land..." How good and how pleasant it will be indeed, Bob. Rest in peace..... mon.

Addendum: crap! I hope that his grave is still there (and accessible) when Mark & I go to Jamaica in March! How can we go to Jamaica, mon, and not see our brutha from another mutha, the revolutionary Bob Marley? dang.

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