December 08, 2004

Talan is the new Steven.

Spent the night at Trent & Erik's gearing up for the big, uninterrupted Laguna Beach finale. Lounging on the couch, eating pizza, cheese bread & cheezits, we watched the marathon of old LB episodes and endured a new episode of The Real World: Philly where we were "amped" to find out that in an upcoming episode, one of the chicks (Melanie) somehow contracts scabies! ew! They even showed a clip of her with horrendous rash-like marks all over her. ew! ew! ew! How does one get scabies, exactly? Angi?

So the episode came on and we watched as Steven & Kristin said their goodbyes; it was actually pretty cute. Then the others, and their parents, had their cries, goodbyes and moved on. Sigh. LB is "dunzo." Or so we thought! After the show, MTV actually had Kristin on - live - and announced that they will be airing a LAGUNA BEACH 2! We gasped and yay'd. They'll be following the same old gang plus some new seniors. AY, you're in luck. Trent & I vowed to tape the episodes from now on - and you know they'll be showing another LB1 marathon in preparation for LB2. Stoked.

We then continued our incessant sophmoric behavior (sans Erik) in the computer room downloading pics and listening to the cd I made: "You Just Heard ... Songs From the Real O.C." hahahaha.

Lame you say? Oh, no no... Gnarly.

Now I'm off to complete my ridiculous night with a little Maroon 5-on-Leno nightcap.


TRENT said...

You wrote:

ew! ew! ew! How does one get scabies, exactly? Angi?

Which makes it sound like Angi would know from experience ... ooooh, or does she?

Sarah said...

whooops! No! I didn't mean that. Well, except she would in that her "experience" is TREATING people with them (as a nurse). YUK. I just thought maybe she'd have some insight as to how "normal" young men & women (who aren't homeless or crack whores) get them. I want to be well educated in case there is some freak domestic case of scabies going around!


angi said...

ok, so i created a blog, just so that i could comment on your pages ( and perhaps trents) although i don't have too much computer time....on to the subject of can get them without being homeless or on is gross can get them by borrowing someone's jeans, pants, underpants? anything that is infested, i ( or anyone in my field) could get them by decontaminating one of my patients ( f'in sick) or anyone could get them by buying clothes FROM ANYWHERE not just salvation army, if the person who tried them on before you had a case...they live in your skin, all over, but they LOVE the pubic region since it is so nice and warm.. they burrow into your skin and leave little lines around and under skin where they are laying eggs...sorry kids... oh did i mention that you could also get them by foolin' around with someone that is infested...sorry for the long reply...anyone have questions about my "experience" with scabies, feel free to email me :)
peace out and WASH YOUR CLOTHES

Sarah said...

i just threw up in my mouth.