December 06, 2004

i like boys who wear skirts...

It's true. Some guys can really pull the skirt thing off in a major way.

When I was younger, college days, I loved all the hippie boys who would put broom skirts on and dance around with no shirt on at all the hippie fests. SO hot.

Then I got into the goth/industrial thing for a while and boys who wore long black skirts (again, with no shirts - but sometimes with black electrical tape on their nipples) got me hot.

Now, although those hippie boys and goth guys still can do it for me, I go for the little guys who wear short cheeleader skirts and kiss other guys. uh... ??? I can't help it. Adam Levine is fawyne, girl. [insert lip smack here] In or out of a skirt (preferrably out.. heh heh).

"That's hot."


TRENT said...

Wait a minute ... I never knew that the electrical-tape-over-the-male-nipple thing got you hot?!? Hello, that was Chris' M.O.

Should I be worried?

Sarah said...

Hell-O! Byron also did it. HOT.

(no, Chris never really did anything for me. I thought he was cute, but that's it...)

TRENT said...

But Byron had the teeeny nips. He was hot though, woo! Too bad about the mono. Nuts!

Sarah said...

He did have teeny nips. Nuts. But with the tape on them, it was all good. :)

Mono? about too bad for the dirty heroin habit & crack whores? :(

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Great post as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning this theme. The only thing I would like to see here is a few photos of some gadgets.

Nickolas Flouee
signal jamming