December 06, 2004

i've been very good...

i could have flown off the handle a few times today, when:

1) FIRST thing in the morning (granted my first thing is much later than my co-workers), before i even have my coat off, i hear my name being said and someone checking my schedule. "No, she's supposed to be in today," she said. There was a meeting about to convene and they were looking for me. FINE. So I go to the meeting, without even a minute to settle in;

2) The same woman who was looking into my schedule is blabbing next to me, in my ear, at said meeting. You know the kind - the interrupters and the talker-overers (huh?). The kind that asks a question and then runs her mouth when you're trying to answer her. Yeah. So there was THAT;

3) All day, every phone call from a supplier that I received was filled with idiotic questions. Asking things they should have already known the answers to. And that they didn't, scares me that they supply for us;

4) Stopping at Target during lunch and maneuvering through the screaming children and people not watching where they were going (and the old man who smelled like pee standing next to me);

5) Stuff I was trying to do was not working (systematically, work-related);

6) Cramps;

7) Feeling like I'm getting my period (see #6), but shouldn't be here for another week (uh, not to mention I'm not wearing underwear today. don't like to. plus my pants are form-fitting. don't judge me! could be disaster?);

8) Baby, it's cold outside.

I've kept my composure all day (though I almost lost it on the morning blabbermouth) and have made it to the end of a dreadful Monday. Hurrah!

Going home with hopes of cleaning the inside and decorating the outside.

[Reality shakes her pretty little head at me and laughs.]

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh no, sister - not the only one at all!

luckily, disaster was averted. guess i'm just having pre-period cramps. ugh.