December 06, 2004

"all i want is what i ha-have coming to me, all i want is my fair share"

I am drained. I just spent a good chunk of my evening out in the cold wet night decorating the front yard. I must say, it looks fabulous. :) I almost took a picture of it to post here but I figured you will just have to see it when you come to the party on the 23rd.

Now i just have to get the tree up and decorated while watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "Rudolph." I strongly suggest dropping whatever it is you're doing anytime the Charlie Brown theme song is played (especially whenever the characters themselves do it) and dance. Pick a character and mimic his/her dancing. It's the most fun.

"Christmastime is here, happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call their favorite time of year..."
'Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!'


TRENT said...

OH GOD ... cute title!

Sarah said...

:D I know! (M)