April 22, 2005

happy earf day, yo

Well, today is Earth Day and yes I'm going to say it, as cliched as it is: every day should be earth day! okay. now that i got that off my chest ... I took this little quiz at the Earth Day Network site and although I am an environmentally conscious person and an avid recycler, animal activist, etc. ... there is so much more I could and should be doing. The car/gas questions really killed me. I need to get around on bike more. Or foot. Or Detroit needs to build an subway or some mass transit system. Here were my results:

Earth Day Quiz Results

Shit. that makes me feel really bad. i gotta work on that. and i hope that more people will take some time out of their crazy lives to really reflect on what this planet GIVES us and then what we take in return. we love our cars, our malls, our convenient gadgets and gizmos (hi, this computer?), our sushi restaurants, our fun dance parties ... but none of that would be remotely possible were it not for the basic resources provided to us by Gaia. Poor thing. She really deserves better. And I, for one, am going to try to make a conscious effort to treat Her better.

Okay... now that we're all sufficiently depressed and have a nice vision of "The Day After Tomorrow" in our heads, let me tell you about a great band I saw last night! I went out to Hamtramck, to Small's, to see my friend Pablo's band. They're an L.A. based band called Malbec, who have been touring the midwest recently and were in town last night (Pablo is from here and went to my high school). They're basically an indie rock band with some cool electro beats thrown in for good measure. You can check their stuff out at their site or at CDBaby. It was a fun time and I was happy to see them live. especially since they'll probably go far and I can say "I saw them when..." Plus, I got to see Carina which is always a plus. She's the cutest thing ever, the little brat. :) AND she graduates from med school in about 3 weeks. damn, dude. i got friends in high places.

1 comment:

Art Hornbie said...

Took the earth test.
My footprint is 5.2 or
2.9 planets.

Good but not great. Perhaps if we increased the number of poor people we would get our planets consumed down to one.