April 19, 2005

Benedict XVI

So yeah ... a new pope was chosen today, Papa Ben. At least, that's what Trent and I are calling him. But see, prime example of why I came to leave the Catholic church was made frighteningly clear today while watching PBS. Several different people were interviewed and one priest in particular, from the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., was asked whether or not Benedict XVI would support female priests. He had this to say (and I'm paraphrasing): "There's an old anecdote that goes 'I asked God whether or not there would ever be married clergy and God said 'not in your lifetime,' then I asked Him whether or not there would be women priests and God said 'not in MY lifetime'"

Mark and I briefly discussed this, after throwing our arms up in disgust and making some sort of noise like "aaarrrrghrrrrmmmmbbbb", and realized that in order for any female spirituality to be a possibility to Catholics or any earth spirituality, or... hell, any other form of ANYthing, God has to DIE.

But see, that is what happened for me. God died. At least the Catholic form of God. And I found so many other open, loving and welcoming gods of which to pray to and find solace in. Some men, some women, some creatures of the earth, some just within myself.

I'm happy for the Catholics of the world today; they have a new leader. But I'm happier for me. I found that the only leader I need is the one I feel within me and yet I can still appreciate the faith or lifestyle that someone else chooses without it being "wrong" just because it doesn't suit me. I wish that other sects of religion were more open to this.

Welcome, Papa Ben. May you serve your people well.


TRENT said...

LOL! Word to your Papa!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it is to be catholic. We have been lutherans since the year of 1537 in my country, but this show is all over in the media here as well. I´d rather not think about how it is covered in Italian newspapers... 5 pages about late pope JP, 5 about the election, 10 about new pope Ben and 10 pages about soccer.

Well, I´m not going to Italy or any other place... A colleague of mine was in Italy last week, in Milan. Not that many sorry faces there. They´re not that religious in the north and didn´t seem to be bothered with the hole pope-election-thing.

Now it is all over, we can consentrate on other and more important things. Like what´s for lunch...