January 31, 2005

Also Sprach Zarathustra softly plays...

*drum roll crescendo* TA DAH! It's here! The Pro-Form 800 is finally in my possession! Sitting at my house, 98% put together and (almost) ready to ride! Too bad my cold is still here and making me feel like utter shit. oh, AND i have a belly ache. But that won't stop me! I can't wait to get outta this place (work) and head home to finish up the last bit of installation and then WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH my cares away! eh... let's hope i feel that wonderfully about it tomorrow.

I also need to make it my routine to cook up good, healthy food - large amounts at a time - at the beginning of my week so that I can just reheat stuff when I get home from work. Part of the reason I never cook for myself, besides hating to cook for just me, is that I don't feel like it. But if I already have a vat of tofu/tempeh grilled up and have already chopped up whatever veggies I may want in advance, then I'm halfway there. It's true that bad habits are hard break. Very easy to fall into, though. I just need a new routine when it comes to eating/working out. And getting up in the morning for work. I'm awful about that.

eep. I probably shouldn't make myself too sore tonight; I have a massage with Angi tomorrow, and I hear she hurts so good like John (Cougar?)Mellencamp. hmmm.....

current music: Putumayo Presents: New Orleans

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