February 03, 2005

wachootalkin'bout, groundhog?

blah. so it's february and it's still cold and it's still gloomy and damn that groundhog and his shadow! in happier news, i've been on my elliptical and i LOVE it. Let's not think about the fact that I bought a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups (the bite size kind) and have had a few each day. OR the fact that Mark's dad (as part of an inside joke) bought me a 3 POUND box of cheezits. sigh. Still ... I've been fairly good.

I've also had some pretty bizzare-o dreams lately. One was really freaky and was about a ghost in my house who kept changing my decor and stacking things up around the house, just to prove it's existance. Which, of course, just freaked me out. It was one of those dreams that was SO scary in the dream but sounds lame when you tell it aloud. I also had a dream about Adriana and a purse. Let's just say that she would never have a pink suede handbag from Marshall Field's Spring Fling Clearance Sale (is there such a thing?) ... but she did in my dream! And I pissed her off by writing all over it in permanent marker. WHAT!? I dunno....

I'm excited to report that VLB will be in concert in March! She sings with a chamber choir, Vox Humana, and they will be performing in Royal Oak. I can't wait to see her! I've really got to do some "hanging out" with people soon. I've been basically a home-body the past few weeks, mostly with good reason, but I fear I'm becoming boring. egads. That cannot happen. For starters, I need to have some serious girl time with the chicks. I haven't seen my girls in eons, it feels like. Maybe another dinner party is in order? The pot-luck kind, like I had a couple years ago? That was a smashing success! Everyone brought such wonderful food and having the buffet style setup and the fire going and lots of wine was just delightful. Hmmm. I think I need to consider doing that one again.

Keep an eye on your inboxes, folks. You might be getting a evite from me soon!

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