November 30, 2004

stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

so, i did the decorating. i always feel like it's a little top heavy when i do it. meaning, i have a TON of decorations for the living room (where i spend most of my time) and not so much in the rest of the house. the bathroom needs more. the kitchen needs more. the living room = overload.

unfortunately, i don't have gads of cash to go and spend on other decorations, so i use the same ones over and over. even if i buy more, i end up putting it in the living room somewhere and it just starts to look gaudy. i tried to trim it back a bit this year. hmm.

still not sure about putting a tree up. it'll have to go in the dining area, where the half-assed photo screen is. anything is better than that screen. but i can just see me coming in from work to find the tree down, bulbs strewn about the place after being used as cat toys and little pieces of wire everywhere, from the chewed up xmas lights. this is not something i think i'd handle well. maybe no tree, then?

ah, holidays.

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