July 21, 2005

i'm aging too fast

I've never really been one of those girls who worries about aging. My mom has always looked young and I usually come off younger than I really am. I've never really gone to the lengths of some girls who make sure to constantly mosturize and pluck and sunscreen and hair dye. But maybe I've been neglectful. Lately I've been all ABOUT mosturizing and checking out my skin all over. So far I've found a few spider veins on my legs (behind my knees), a gray hair (er, several... which i promptly plucked) and a brown (age) spot on the side of my face! This makes me nervous. I haven't even finished my 20's yet (though I'm close) so why are all these examples of 'old ladyism' popping up already?

sigh. I suppose I'll now become "one of those" ... i.e. I'm seriously considering buying those anti-aging/age-spot/wrinkle cremes that cost $ridiculous per bottle. I've been so content with my simple Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Facial Soap. I think those days are fading along with my early twenties. Good thing Desert Essence offers an Age Reversal line.
Is anyone feelin' my pain? Or am I just nutty and over-analyzing?
Either way, facial product suggestions are welcomed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am in my late twenties and am going through the same thing. I seem to have alot of white hairs popping out all over and just this year have noticed more wrinkles around my eyes and forehead. I feel like I am aging way too fast. I have tried multiple skin care products havent found one thats awesome yet. Gena