February 08, 2005

playin' hooky

What a whopper of a weekend, and nothing really happened! I did find out how people can completely turn on you and twist things around so badly that you are seriously scared for them. Yeah, I learned that. What a lesson to learn ... but glad I did. Now I know never to put faith into that person, or a future relationship with that person, again. After that unfortuante, but inevitable life lesson, I whooped some serious ass in a friendly (yet competitive) game of Trivial Pursuit: 90's Edition. Okay, okay ... so I was up against Mark and we're pretty much on the same wavelength so saying I whooped ass is a bit dramatic. But I did win. *GRIN* After that we met up with some of the kids down at Union Street as they were finishing up their dessert & drinks before heading back for another game of TP in bed. Needless to say, we fell asleep in our wedges and nobody wins like that. Owch.

Superbowl Sunday was super for me because I finally took down all of my christmas decorations (and yes, that means my TREE was still up!) and was able to really clean my house and put things back in order. I even got to rearrange a little so I now have a "workout room" - except it's just a workout "cove." But I don't care 'cuz it's MY space (which is much cooler than myspace). Plus I did all my laundry and some grocery shopping all before the game at 6:00pm. Mark was glued to the tube at that point and I tuned in and out while folding laundry, playing on the internet and happily solving crossword puzzles (in case you didn't know, i'm a crossword puzzle FREAK). It was a satisfying, productive yet quiet way to spend a Superbowl. Oh, there was still pizza and chips. Just not as much ... and cleaner.

And since there was no beer to be had, I really had no excuse for calling in to work the next day, except ... well ... i WANTED to. *bratty grin* Ah ... it is a glorious feeling to call in to work on a Monday and spend the day with a friend or significant other who is also off. We lazed around in the morning, freshened up and leisurely headed out to Ann Arbor and a few stores. Never mind that it was drizzling and chilly ... we walked around, got sushi, stopped at the bookstore and just really enjoyed the day together. That night we turned in at Mark's house and played yet another round of TP. This time, the 20th anniversary edition.

I must eat my words. We are NOT on the same wavelength when it comes to any period of time earlier than the 90's. Mark is much smarter. Shucks.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

TWINS, indeed! :) I bought three new books: Movie & TV edition, plain ol' easy ones, and a book of difficult ones w/cryptic puzzles in it too.
