December 22, 2004

cinderelly, cinderelly

tonight was cleaning night and boy did it suck. i guess it helps if you don't put it off all the time, only to make the time you actually take to clean seem to never end.

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm ... uh, ... I'm a procrastinator. [small applause]

yes, it's true. i'm sure it comes to no surprise to most of you reading this: i put things off until the last minute. this time 'round it was a thorough cleaning of my house. oh, sure, i'll keep it tidy enough. i'll wash my dishes and clean my sinks and toilet. but scrub floors? move every last knick-knack to dust? actually CLEAN OFF the top of my computer desk? nuh-uh - that takes an act of god (or a lot of people coming over in two days) to get me to go to those lengths.

how i ever cleaned other people's houses for side money is beyond me. ew.


TRENT said...

Is it safe to walk barefoot in your bathroom now?

Sarah said...

the bathroom is GLORIOUS! :) i was on my hands and knees, even (shut up, you perv)! You could lick the floor now, it's so grand. Maybe after a few martini's on Thursday... heh heh...